What is tin? A bad idea most likely. I'm a first time programming language designer that has a thing for Scheme, but uses Python typically out of convenience. Tin is a smattering of concepts from all over the place. It attempts to borrow concepts from a wide variety of places. At its core, tin is a dynamically typed, Scheme derivative, which pulls inspiration mostly from Python, Clojure and Haskell. What are some core features? 0. Macros These aren't yet hygienic, but will be in the future. 1. Partial application of functions This might be via currying if I can find/create a way to do that such that closure creation is optimized away in most cases. 2. Inline dot syntax When faced with a math program, reading standard S-expressions isn't easy enough. Tin's solution is to Example: (x .+ y) => (+ x y) 3. Dynamic typing—this could be a bad idea.